Thursday, November 12, 2009

Model Detox Diet

Who are the best people to ask for ideas if you want to lose weight and improve your complexion? Fashion models! Models learn to manage their weight in a healthy way, and eat just the right combination of foods that leave their skin looking better and better with each passing year.

Its a very easy plan to follow that can still get fantastic results. Unlike some of the other cleanses on this site, the Model Detox Plan can provide a healthy basis for long term changes to your lifestyle. You don't need to follow it strictly, take the elements you like and add them to your diet!

Foods to Eat

Use organic fruits and vegetables as they have less pollutants and chemicals. Organic food also has a higher nutritional content than non-organic commercialized produce.

Basically your diet should mostly consist of juiced, raw, frozen, or lightly steamed fruits and veggies. Corn should be avoided, white potatoes can be eaten only in moderation. Eating a variation each day will ensure you are getting enough vitamins and keep this diet as interesting as possible.

Foods to Avoid

Here is a brief list of foods to avoid while on this plan. To get the full detoxing effects, stick to the diet and be sure that you don't cheat!

Dairy and animal products
Bread, pasta, grains, cereal
Pickled vegetables or canned fruit
Alcohol and cigarettes
Coffee and tea (except green and herbal)
Meal Plans

Variations of fruit or fruit puree are great for breakfast. They are nutritious, filling and the natural sugars will give you energy to get through the morning.

To make a fruit puree, cut up your fruit and place in a pot on the stove with a small amount of water. Cover and leave it on a low heat until the fruit is soft. Now just throw it in the blender and add a squeeze of fresh lemon to taste. add a little cinnamon.

Blends can contain apples, plums, nectarines, pears and berries, but really anything goes. You can also mix it up a bit by using your blender to achieve different consistencies.

Lunch & Dinner

For your main two meals its important to keep calories low but nutrition high. A vegetable puree soup is the answer. This will give you energy to get through the day and all the nutrients you need.

Cut up your vegetables, add approximately one cup of vegetable stock, and cover on a low heat until the vegetables are soft. Now throw it in the blender and spice it up with a raw clove of garlic or jalapeƱo pepper. add cilantro and a little olive oil.

experiment with different vegetables for this soup. Great ideas are spinach and broccoli, collard greens, zucchini, onion, carrots and sweet potatoes. Beans also make a great addition. use chickpeas but be sure they are organic.

Desserts & Snacks

This diet can sometimes leave you feeling hungry (it wouldn't be a diet if it didn't!), so its important to have some filling snacks around for when you need a boost.

Fruit smoothies are a great options for dessert or a snack between meals. You need to buy packs of frozen organic fruits from your supermarket. These lock all the goodness into the fruit and are very convenient. frozen bananas taste much better in a smoothie than fresh ones so peel ripe bananas and put them in a ziplock bag in the freezer.

Just add ice and a little water, then blend away! You might like blends of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and banana. Its really up to you to find a few combinations that you love. Be creative!

Freshly squeezed juices are very detoxing and a great way to get some condensed nutrition into your body. Fresh juice is also packed full of enzymes which are fundamental in maintaining good health and preventing disease.

Some ideas for recipes - try playing around with these super-healthy ingredients. Cucumbers, apples, carrot, ginger, garlic, beet and broccoli. See more ideas on our Juice Cleanses page.

Don't forget to drink Green Tea. This is so effective as a diet aid because it increases your metabolism and reduces your appetite. Its great for your health too - it has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine, to cure anything from headaches to depression.

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