Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Colon Cleansing - Is it Good for me?

A healthy colon is mandatory if we want good health. This makes colon cleansing an idea that must be discussed and understood. Every morsel we put in our mouths winds up in our bowels as toxins. As these deadly toxins build up, the average person will get various diseases. Each person is affected differently one might become overweight or another constipated.

Your colon is that one special organ that indirectly and directly affects all the other organs in your body. When it gets backed up, the liver can’t do its job correctly. When the liver can’t work efficiently, the kidney suffers as well as other organs. In order for us to begin curing our symptoms, we must first start with colon cleansing.

The toxic coating in the colon thickens and becomes a putrefaction host. The blood vessels going to the colon begin to pick up those same toxins and poisons as it seeps through the walls of the bowel. All tissues and organs of the body now take on that toxic residue.

After reading the above information you can easily figure why your colon is clogged and how it leads to many other problems. An interesting National Geographic report correctly stated that parasites within the human body have killed more human beings than all the wars in history! That is quite a earth shaking statement. Knowing this information how can you not want to take action?

Do you know what else colon cleansing can do for your health? It improves your skin and muscle tone, and reduces the signs of aging? Who would not want that? Is your waistline like mine and getting bigger every year? This usually happens no matter how much you exercise? Are you tired of buying larger and larger clothes? Are your joints stiff, weak and painful? Is arthritis causing you discomfort? If you answered yes to just one of the above questions you probably need a colon cleansing.

The idea behind colon cleansing process is to remove the toxins which have built up in your digestive system. The processes of a colon cleanser are so vitally important to promoting a healthy balance in your body that many doctors are recommending it to their patients.

Most quality colon cleansers include a three step process. A typical one is shown below.
1. A herb supplement that will rid your colon of buildup and helps to prevent new build-up.
2. A drink taken at bedtime that has a laxative effect on the bowels and also assist with the detox process.
3. An anti-parasite ingredient, which helps to eliminate harmful parasites including intestinal worms and their eggs.

You now are aware of the very basics of colon cleansing. Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the colon and why it should be cleaned at the very least on an annual basis.
There are many safe, effective doctor endorsed colon products on the market.
Investigate prior to buying any product!

Reference: Zendana at http://www.healthycolondetox.com/2009/12/12/colon-cleansing-is-it-good-for-me/

Colon Cleansing Safety Tips

If you have a problem with constipation, which option would you choose to remedy the situation? Over The Counter (OTC) laxative drugs, enemas or purgatives? Colon hydrotherapy? Oxygen-based colon cleansers? Herbal colon cleansers?

OTC laxative drugs usually take about eight to twelve hours to work their way through your system. They are usually taken with warm water the night before so that you experience results by morning. Colon Hydrotherapy needs to be conducted by a skilled technician using highly sterilized equipment.

Oxygen-based colon cleansers (which use the oxidation process to “loosen” matter) may work for many, but they do not contain fiber which science has established, as necessary for optimal colon health1. All three of these methods cleanse only the colon—with no viable result on overall health. They do not help to enhance the performance of other eliminatory organs such as the liver, the kidneys, and skin.

Experts say herbal colon cleansers are the better choice because they aid the body in performing the elimination process naturally. They also help to support immune health because they help to maintain a balanced microflora2. Because they are herbal, these colon cleansers are not under the direct supervision of the FDA, but consumers who do their homework will recognize strong natural ingredients and be able to choose a reliable, quality product manufactured by a GMP-certified company.

When making your choice of a colon cleanser, remember these safety tips.

Don’t Become Dehydrated: The body loses fluids when using over–the-counter stimulant laxative drugs and purgatives. These colon cleansers work by absorbing water from the body. This could upset the balance of potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorous in the body and can affect the function of vital organs. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration when using any colon cleanser.

Avoid Addictive Colon Cleansers: Some colon cleansing methods simply purge the body of accumulated waste without engaging the peristaltic muscles of the colon (the muscles used to move food along the digestive tract, and ultimately to disposal). Prolonged use of such colon cleansers causes peristaltic muscles to lose their natural ability to contract leading to greater dependence on laxative drugs. There are a growing number of people who use laxative drugs as a means to lose weight. This is not safe and can present a number of health risks.

Don’t Wash Out Good Bacteria: Prolonged use of OTC laxative drugs and colon hydrotherapy treatment can lead to a weakened immune system since such treatments wash out necessary bacteria and the protective mucus lining. Good bacteria are needed to produce certain nutrients, immune cells and to maintain the colon health.

Consult your Doctor: If you suffer from frequent bouts of constipation or diarrhea you should consult your doctor who may want to perform a thorough examination. Ask your doctor about taking a colon cleansing product that adequately suits your needs. Pregnant and Nursing Women are advised not to wait until after nursing before taking any medications since certain ingredients could harm or adversely affect baby’s delicate health. Such women should consult their doctors before taking any type of medication.

Allergen Sensitivities: Always check if the product contains gluten or other allergens that could trigger a reaction. Many colon cleansers are gluten free and allergen sensitive. check for these and consult your doctor before taking any colon cleanser.

Colon Cleansing and Prescription Medicine: If you are taking prescription medicine, you should consult with your doctor before starting a colon cleanser program. Ingredients found in certain colon cleansers could effect, react with or dilute the efficacy of the prescription drug.

Medical Conditions: If you are suffering from diabetes do not use laxatives which could contain dextrose, fructose or sucrose–ingredients found in many natural laxatives. If you are suffering from an inflamed appendix or have a fever, or are suffering from vomiting, nausea, or other maladies or health disorders, it is advisable that you do not use a colon cleanser unless it is recommended by your doctor.

Safety for Children: Colon cleansers are not intended for children. Do not administer a colon cleanse product to your child without consulting your doctor first. Keep colon cleansers and other medicines away from the reach of children. Many laxative drugs come in the form of chocolates or flavored syrups which can be very tempting to children. Proper Storage: Many colon cleansers require you to store them in a cool, dry place or keep them refrigerated. Read the instructions on the label and follow through on them for efficacy of ingredients.

Follow Instructions Carefully: There are colon cleansing programs that require restrictions on your diet. Some may even require you to fast. Others simply require you to drink 8 glasses of water. Read through all instructions carefully and follow them closely. Colon cleansing products will also include contraindications on the labels. Be careful to check if any of contraindications apply to your particular situation.

Again,—it is important that you consult your doctor before choosing a colon cleansing method. Safety is vital when choosing a colon cleansing product. A reliable, trusted manufacturer will ensure a quality product with ingredients that are safe for your body. Study the ingredients and how they work in the body. Many herbs have been studied extensively in recent research studies. The main aim of colon cleansing is not only to provide safe and immediate relief from constipation, but to aid in regulating your system for natural cleansing and elimination of waste.

Nutritional colon cleansing can help to strengthen the functions of the eliminatory organs, thus supporting optimal general health. References: Vopr Pitan. 1998 ;(1):39-42. Dietary fibers in diet therapy. PMID: 9606867 Infection and Immunity. 1973 July; 8(1): 30-35. Effect of Colon Flora and Short-Chain Fatty Acids on Growth In Vitro of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae. Department of Medicine, The Medical College of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cleanse the Colon

Cleansing your colon is important. Many of the meals which we eat today are laced with harmful toxins that are harmful to the body. As these accumulate, our system becomes slower and we become more prone to weight gain. Fatigue and constipation are also common effects. Enemas are what think about when the hear of colon cleansing. Understandably, not many people are fond of this. The good news is that colons can be cleansed in more than one way. One of these involves paying attention to what you eat.

Making changes to your diet will go a long way towards cleansing your colon. Toxic chemicals can therefore be removed with a body detox.

Nutritionist offer various form of detox program. A liquid detox program , for instance, involves the taking of only liquids for a specified period. Juice and water are commonly used in such diets. These liquid diets are normally found to last for a period of 7 to 14 days. People who go on liquid diets are found to lose some weight during the period.

Staying commited to a fast requires discipline that not many people have. For these people a different kind of colon cleansing diet is required. One that involves a bit more substance.

By eating meals rich in fiber, you will be able to clean your colon. Eating whole grain meals, flaxseed or bran cereals for breakfast for instance will provide your body with the fiber that it needs in the morning. Fiber rich vegetables such as Spinach and broccoli should also be eaten.

For the best cleansing results though, you will need to include fruits into your diet. Fruits like black berries and prunes are incredibly effective cleansers. Drinking a cup of prune with your meals during the day will ensure that your bowels and colon get emptied of all the toxins and bacteria that is might lie within.Because these fruits are also effective antioxidants, they are also useful in ridding the body of harmful free radicals. Cleansing diets typically take a week to be done.But for even more effective results, it is advised that people stay on the diet for at least two weeks.

Reference: The Secret Sauce