Cleansing your colon is important. Many of the meals which we eat today are laced with harmful toxins that are harmful to the body. As these accumulate, our system becomes slower and we become more prone to weight gain. Fatigue and constipation are also common effects. Enemas are what think about when the hear of colon cleansing. Understandably, not many people are fond of this. The good news is that colons can be cleansed in more than one way. One of these involves paying attention to what you eat.
Making changes to your diet will go a long way towards cleansing your colon. Toxic chemicals can therefore be removed with a body detox.
Nutritionist offer various form of detox program. A liquid detox program , for instance, involves the taking of only liquids for a specified period. Juice and water are commonly used in such diets. These liquid diets are normally found to last for a period of 7 to 14 days. People who go on liquid diets are found to lose some weight during the period.
Staying commited to a fast requires discipline that not many people have. For these people a different kind of colon cleansing diet is required. One that involves a bit more substance.
By eating meals rich in fiber, you will be able to clean your colon. Eating whole grain meals, flaxseed or bran cereals for breakfast for instance will provide your body with the fiber that it needs in the morning. Fiber rich vegetables such as Spinach and broccoli should also be eaten.
For the best cleansing results though, you will need to include fruits into your diet. Fruits like black berries and prunes are incredibly effective cleansers. Drinking a cup of prune with your meals during the day will ensure that your bowels and colon get emptied of all the toxins and bacteria that is might lie within.Because these fruits are also effective antioxidants, they are also useful in ridding the body of harmful free radicals. Cleansing diets typically take a week to be done.But for even more effective results, it is advised that people stay on the diet for at least two weeks.
Reference: The Secret Sauce
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