Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Colon Cleansing - Is it Good for me?

A healthy colon is mandatory if we want good health. This makes colon cleansing an idea that must be discussed and understood. Every morsel we put in our mouths winds up in our bowels as toxins. As these deadly toxins build up, the average person will get various diseases. Each person is affected differently one might become overweight or another constipated.

Your colon is that one special organ that indirectly and directly affects all the other organs in your body. When it gets backed up, the liver can’t do its job correctly. When the liver can’t work efficiently, the kidney suffers as well as other organs. In order for us to begin curing our symptoms, we must first start with colon cleansing.

The toxic coating in the colon thickens and becomes a putrefaction host. The blood vessels going to the colon begin to pick up those same toxins and poisons as it seeps through the walls of the bowel. All tissues and organs of the body now take on that toxic residue.

After reading the above information you can easily figure why your colon is clogged and how it leads to many other problems. An interesting National Geographic report correctly stated that parasites within the human body have killed more human beings than all the wars in history! That is quite a earth shaking statement. Knowing this information how can you not want to take action?

Do you know what else colon cleansing can do for your health? It improves your skin and muscle tone, and reduces the signs of aging? Who would not want that? Is your waistline like mine and getting bigger every year? This usually happens no matter how much you exercise? Are you tired of buying larger and larger clothes? Are your joints stiff, weak and painful? Is arthritis causing you discomfort? If you answered yes to just one of the above questions you probably need a colon cleansing.

The idea behind colon cleansing process is to remove the toxins which have built up in your digestive system. The processes of a colon cleanser are so vitally important to promoting a healthy balance in your body that many doctors are recommending it to their patients.

Most quality colon cleansers include a three step process. A typical one is shown below.
1. A herb supplement that will rid your colon of buildup and helps to prevent new build-up.
2. A drink taken at bedtime that has a laxative effect on the bowels and also assist with the detox process.
3. An anti-parasite ingredient, which helps to eliminate harmful parasites including intestinal worms and their eggs.

You now are aware of the very basics of colon cleansing. Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the colon and why it should be cleaned at the very least on an annual basis.
There are many safe, effective doctor endorsed colon products on the market.
Investigate prior to buying any product!

Reference: Zendana at http://www.healthycolondetox.com/2009/12/12/colon-cleansing-is-it-good-for-me/

Colon Cleansing Safety Tips

If you have a problem with constipation, which option would you choose to remedy the situation? Over The Counter (OTC) laxative drugs, enemas or purgatives? Colon hydrotherapy? Oxygen-based colon cleansers? Herbal colon cleansers?

OTC laxative drugs usually take about eight to twelve hours to work their way through your system. They are usually taken with warm water the night before so that you experience results by morning. Colon Hydrotherapy needs to be conducted by a skilled technician using highly sterilized equipment.

Oxygen-based colon cleansers (which use the oxidation process to “loosen” matter) may work for many, but they do not contain fiber which science has established, as necessary for optimal colon health1. All three of these methods cleanse only the colon—with no viable result on overall health. They do not help to enhance the performance of other eliminatory organs such as the liver, the kidneys, and skin.

Experts say herbal colon cleansers are the better choice because they aid the body in performing the elimination process naturally. They also help to support immune health because they help to maintain a balanced microflora2. Because they are herbal, these colon cleansers are not under the direct supervision of the FDA, but consumers who do their homework will recognize strong natural ingredients and be able to choose a reliable, quality product manufactured by a GMP-certified company.

When making your choice of a colon cleanser, remember these safety tips.

Don’t Become Dehydrated: The body loses fluids when using over–the-counter stimulant laxative drugs and purgatives. These colon cleansers work by absorbing water from the body. This could upset the balance of potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorous in the body and can affect the function of vital organs. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration when using any colon cleanser.

Avoid Addictive Colon Cleansers: Some colon cleansing methods simply purge the body of accumulated waste without engaging the peristaltic muscles of the colon (the muscles used to move food along the digestive tract, and ultimately to disposal). Prolonged use of such colon cleansers causes peristaltic muscles to lose their natural ability to contract leading to greater dependence on laxative drugs. There are a growing number of people who use laxative drugs as a means to lose weight. This is not safe and can present a number of health risks.

Don’t Wash Out Good Bacteria: Prolonged use of OTC laxative drugs and colon hydrotherapy treatment can lead to a weakened immune system since such treatments wash out necessary bacteria and the protective mucus lining. Good bacteria are needed to produce certain nutrients, immune cells and to maintain the colon health.

Consult your Doctor: If you suffer from frequent bouts of constipation or diarrhea you should consult your doctor who may want to perform a thorough examination. Ask your doctor about taking a colon cleansing product that adequately suits your needs. Pregnant and Nursing Women are advised not to wait until after nursing before taking any medications since certain ingredients could harm or adversely affect baby’s delicate health. Such women should consult their doctors before taking any type of medication.

Allergen Sensitivities: Always check if the product contains gluten or other allergens that could trigger a reaction. Many colon cleansers are gluten free and allergen sensitive. check for these and consult your doctor before taking any colon cleanser.

Colon Cleansing and Prescription Medicine: If you are taking prescription medicine, you should consult with your doctor before starting a colon cleanser program. Ingredients found in certain colon cleansers could effect, react with or dilute the efficacy of the prescription drug.

Medical Conditions: If you are suffering from diabetes do not use laxatives which could contain dextrose, fructose or sucrose–ingredients found in many natural laxatives. If you are suffering from an inflamed appendix or have a fever, or are suffering from vomiting, nausea, or other maladies or health disorders, it is advisable that you do not use a colon cleanser unless it is recommended by your doctor.

Safety for Children: Colon cleansers are not intended for children. Do not administer a colon cleanse product to your child without consulting your doctor first. Keep colon cleansers and other medicines away from the reach of children. Many laxative drugs come in the form of chocolates or flavored syrups which can be very tempting to children. Proper Storage: Many colon cleansers require you to store them in a cool, dry place or keep them refrigerated. Read the instructions on the label and follow through on them for efficacy of ingredients.

Follow Instructions Carefully: There are colon cleansing programs that require restrictions on your diet. Some may even require you to fast. Others simply require you to drink 8 glasses of water. Read through all instructions carefully and follow them closely. Colon cleansing products will also include contraindications on the labels. Be careful to check if any of contraindications apply to your particular situation.

Again,—it is important that you consult your doctor before choosing a colon cleansing method. Safety is vital when choosing a colon cleansing product. A reliable, trusted manufacturer will ensure a quality product with ingredients that are safe for your body. Study the ingredients and how they work in the body. Many herbs have been studied extensively in recent research studies. The main aim of colon cleansing is not only to provide safe and immediate relief from constipation, but to aid in regulating your system for natural cleansing and elimination of waste.

Nutritional colon cleansing can help to strengthen the functions of the eliminatory organs, thus supporting optimal general health. References: Vopr Pitan. 1998 ;(1):39-42. Dietary fibers in diet therapy. PMID: 9606867 Infection and Immunity. 1973 July; 8(1): 30-35. Effect of Colon Flora and Short-Chain Fatty Acids on Growth In Vitro of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae. Department of Medicine, The Medical College of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cleanse the Colon

Cleansing your colon is important. Many of the meals which we eat today are laced with harmful toxins that are harmful to the body. As these accumulate, our system becomes slower and we become more prone to weight gain. Fatigue and constipation are also common effects. Enemas are what think about when the hear of colon cleansing. Understandably, not many people are fond of this. The good news is that colons can be cleansed in more than one way. One of these involves paying attention to what you eat.

Making changes to your diet will go a long way towards cleansing your colon. Toxic chemicals can therefore be removed with a body detox.

Nutritionist offer various form of detox program. A liquid detox program , for instance, involves the taking of only liquids for a specified period. Juice and water are commonly used in such diets. These liquid diets are normally found to last for a period of 7 to 14 days. People who go on liquid diets are found to lose some weight during the period.

Staying commited to a fast requires discipline that not many people have. For these people a different kind of colon cleansing diet is required. One that involves a bit more substance.

By eating meals rich in fiber, you will be able to clean your colon. Eating whole grain meals, flaxseed or bran cereals for breakfast for instance will provide your body with the fiber that it needs in the morning. Fiber rich vegetables such as Spinach and broccoli should also be eaten.

For the best cleansing results though, you will need to include fruits into your diet. Fruits like black berries and prunes are incredibly effective cleansers. Drinking a cup of prune with your meals during the day will ensure that your bowels and colon get emptied of all the toxins and bacteria that is might lie within.Because these fruits are also effective antioxidants, they are also useful in ridding the body of harmful free radicals. Cleansing diets typically take a week to be done.But for even more effective results, it is advised that people stay on the diet for at least two weeks.

Reference: The Secret Sauce

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Discover detox at The Farm

(The Philippine Star) Updated November 24, 2009 12:00 AM
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Care for a gourmet breakfast at The Farm?

MANILA, Philippines - Our body is exposed daily to harmful elements in the diet and the environment, accumulating toxins much faster than we can eliminate them.

This toxification causes frequent body headaches and body pains, chronic respiratory and sinus problems, abnormal body odor and bad breath, food allergies, insomnia, depression and irritability, skin blemishes, constipation, bloating and gas, which are symptoms of illnesses.

Rediscover the body’s natural process of eliminating toxins with the detox programs of The Farm, Asia’s Center of Excellence for Holistic Health located amid the lush vegetation of Lipa City, Batangas.

This clinically-tested program aims to remove the cause of the disease before it makes people ill, using different routes such as skin, lungs, kidney, liver, colon, and the lympathic system.

Detoxification will clean the digestive tract, purify the blood and internal organs, improve metabolic functions, clear excess mucous and congestion, strengthen the body’s immune system, and allow better cell rejuvenation.

A recipient of the Spa Retreat of the Year and the Medi-Spa of the Year Awards from the prestigious Baccarat Asia, The Farm offers three detox programs, which include medically-controlled weight loss, effective diabetes management, and healthy gourmet food.

The programs start off with the “Discover Detox” which includes three days/two nights’ stay in a villa or suite accommodation, guided tour of The Farm, medical consultation, nutritional microscopy, and follow-up consultation with a doctor.

Other features include a colon hydrotherapy session with colon massage, a 30-minute massage under the stars, a 60-minute relaxation massage, a 90-minute purification treatment, and participation in the resort’s yoga and daily activities.

For a more intensive detoxification, there are the “Relax and Rejuve” and “Regain and Recover” programs which run for five days/four nights and seven days/six nights, respectively.

Moreover, The Farm also offers wellness getaways in its “Full Seven-Day Promo” available at any day of the week, be it a day tour or an overnight stay.

The “Day At The Farm” is the basic package, which includes a welcome drink, guided tour, a 60-minute spa treatment (relaxation massage, reflexology massage, lympathic drainage, earth facial, kitchen fresh facial), use of facilities, five-course gourmet lunch, live blood analysis (LBA) and a yoga session.

For details, call 884-8074/75, mobile 0916-5843855; visit www.thefarm.com.ph or e-mail info@thefarm.com.ph.


This should be an interesting place to visit!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Truth About Colon Detox

Did you know that pollutants and contaminants can be found in the air we breathe, the water we drink. Preservatives, food additives and pesticides can be found in many places, even the foods we eat. Alcohol consumption and/or smoking may also increase the level of toxins in the body and could interfere with the body’s natural detox functions.

In addition to these external factors, there are internal factors that could add to the toxic buildup in the body. Bodily processes such as respiration, digestion produce byproducts. The natural detox processes of the body might find it hard to keep up with such an overwhelming overload.

Toxin Buildup and Detox Cleanse
Think you don’t need to detox? Not so fast. Does this sound like you? Poor dietary habits, a propensity to overeat, an addiction to fast foods and processed foods that contain chemicals, do not provide our bodies with the necessary nourishment required to counteract the levels of toxin buildup in the body. In time, the liver could become overwhelmed. This may lead to a poor disposition of overall health or to more serious health complications.

A balanced diet, antioxidant-rich foods and regular exercise may help support the body’s natural detox functions. Some people revert to fasting, one-food only diets, or liquid-only diets to detoxify the system. Such diet programs are unnecessary and the American Dietetic Association advises-“Your metabolism slows, the body shuts down [and] conserves, and any functions that are unnecessary, like 'cleansing,' are not going to occur.”

To help support your body’s natural detox function, natural detox cleanse is often the preferred choice. Such detox cleanses typically contain detoxifying herbs and dietary fiber in addition to colon cleanse ingredients and digestive herbs.

Fiber-based detox cleanses have an additional advantage. Fiber is known to bind toxins found in the digestive tract and expeditiously eliminates them from the system before they are absorbed by the body.

Detoxifying herbs help to stimulate other vital eliminatory organs of the body such as the liver and kidneys so that they are able to perform their tasks of eliminating toxins at optimum levels.

Regularity is vital to elimination of toxins and is related to good health. A good detox cleanse provides support for systemic detoxification. A poor or under-functioning colon may lead to bouts of constipation or inadequate bowel movements creating the perfect breeding ground for proliferation of parasites. The longer waste matter remains in the colon, the more toxic it becomes to the body. Detox cleanse ingredients contain herbal laxatives that stimulate peristaltic movements in order to cleanse the colon of accumulated waste and parasites.

Comprehensive Detox Cleanse
There are several detox cleanse options to choose from. A good choice would be a detox cleanse that has been formulated by a qualified doctor who has put together a detox cleanse that meets comprehensive and systemic requirements. A detox cleanse program like BeneCleanse does not require fasting or modifications in the diet. An herbal, fiber-based detox cleanse program gives you the proper intake of dietary fiber to bind toxins lodging in the digestive tract. It also provides probiotics, which when combined with fiber in the colon, produce nutrients that are necessary for vital liver functions.

After an initial and secondary detox cleanse, BeneCleanse provides a unique nutritional supplementation consisting of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, dietary fiber and digestive aids to support colonic, digestive health and strengthen the body’s ability for natural detox.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/supplements-and-vitamins-articles/the-truth-about-colon-detox-1497493.html

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fat Flush Cleanse

The Fat Flush uses cleansing principles to bring about healthy weight loss. The author, Anne Louise Gittelman, was a nutritionist at the famous Pritkin Longevity Center.

As opposed to the Pritkin diet, which drastically limits all fats, the Fat Flush focuses on consuming small amounts of "good" fats, carbs and proteins.

To be honest the Fat Flush is more of a diet plan than a true cleanse. It has many beneficial effects besides weight loss though and is an excellent detox plan for your liver.

How Does the Fat Flush Cleanse Work?

The Fat Flush cleanse focuses on the liver and its fat-burning capability. Anne Gittelman claims that many of us have livers that are tired and full of leftover toxins. By detoxifying the organ, we can restore its fat-burning power and begin to lose weight. After this first phase, dieters reintroduce good carbs and good fats to return to a sustainable diet.

A highly commendable part of this diet is its recommendation that users supplement their diet with sufficient sleep, a good exercise routine and a comprehensive journal of their eating habits. The diet lasts up to 4 weeks, before moving on to a longer-term, lifetime regime.

What are the Fat Flush phases?

Phase One
In Phase One the goal is to detoxify the liver. You cut out alcohol and caffeine, and reduce your caloric intake to around 1200 calories. This is to give your liver a break and allow it time to recuperate and repair itself.

There are specific rules for your diet throughout the Fat Flush. Each meal should contain one protein item, do not mix milk and meat in the same meal, do not drink water with your meal, and do not mix fruits and vegetables. Although they sound a little strange, these rules are supposedly a crucial part of the fat flushing technique.

As for exercise, dieters should undertake moderate activity in Phase One, for example long walks. Trampoline exercises are encouraged - the idea is that bouncing can help shift the extra fat and enable the flushing technique to work more rapidly.

Phase Two
The meal plans and exercises are similar in Phase Two, but the daily caloric intake is allowed to increase from 1100 calories to 1400 calories. Certain good carbs such as brown rice are reintroduced to the diet, but the meal rules listed in Phase One still apply.

Phase Three
In Phase Three dieters increase their caloric intake to previous levels, above 1500 calories per day. Exercise is also stepped up to include weight training.

Does the Fat Flush Cleanse Work?

The claims that the liver is a fat-burning powerhouse are somewhat dubious, however dieters to tend to see reasonable results with this diet. The reason is that, despite all the hype about the liver, it is basically just a low calorie diet plan with exercise added. Looking at it from this angle, it can be an effective diet, but don't place too much credence on the supposed science behind it.

As with all low calorie diets, dieters should be careful to get all the nutrition they need, taking extra vitamin supplements if necessary. Eating out can be difficult, but items on the menu like grilled chicken should be fine.

As for expense, the diet recommends some supplements like primrose oil and protein powders that can be quite dear. These are not really necessary though.

The Master Cleanse

Made famous by Beyonce, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow, the Master Cleanse is one of the hottest cleanses in Hollywood. Beyonce even used it to slim down for her movie 'Dreamgirls'.

This cleanse is so popular not just because of its powerful detoxing properties, but also because its a great way to lose a few pounds and get in shape.

It is not an easy cleanse though - the Master Cleanse is a fast regimen, with nutrition provided by a combination of lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Its hard work but the results are worth it!

How does the Master Cleanse work?

The Master Cleanse's strange set of ingredients may leave you wondering 'why am I eating this?'. Well there is some very sound reasoning behind it. Let me run through each ingredient and tell you the specific benefits that it can give you.

Maple Syrup
Although you may normally just pour it on your waffles, Grade B maple syrup contains a variety of minerals and vitamins. These include iron, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sulphur and silicon not to mention Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Also present is Pantothenic acid, a type of B-Vitamin that can lower cholesterol.

As you can see, adding good quality maple syrup to your cleanse actually provides you with many of the vitamins and minerals that you need during a short-term cleanse.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is used to produce more bile in the liver, trapping fat molecules and allowing them to be easily secreted. It also helps to decrease your appetite.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper increases metabolism and aids digestion. It is also a good source of Vitamins A, B, C, Calcium and Potassium.

Purified Water
The benefits of water need little explanation. It speeds your metabolism, cleans your internal organs and even helps you live longer!

How to do the Master Cleanse?

Otherwise known as the Lemonade Diet or the Maple Syrup Diet, this cleanse involves a fast of 10-14 days, with nutrition provided by a drink of Maple Syrup, Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper. Each day on the cleanse should follow the same routine:

Each morning you should do a salt water flush. This is a simple way to do a colon cleanse, by drinking lukewarm water with uniodized sea salt, that is excellent in conjuction with the Mastercleanse.

The salt detoxifies the entire digestive system and flushes out any impurities and toxins so they won't be reabsorbed back into the body. It isn't the most pleasant experience but the results are worth it so be strong!

Recipe - one serving
32 Oz of lukewarm water
2 teaspoons of uniodized sea salt (idiodized salt will not work)

Drink when you get up and on an empty stomach, otherwise the salt will be competing with undigested food. Around 1 hour later elimations should commence. It's best to set aside 2 hours before you go out, to prevent any accidents.


Drink the Master Cleanse juice several times a day, whenever thirsty or hungry. You can also drink pure water by itself, but no other foods. You can either make the drinks whenever you need them, or make a jug in the morning to last all day. Here are the recipes:

Recipe - one serving
2 tablespoons organic Lemon Juice
2 tablespoons organic Grade B Maple Syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
2 pinches Cayenne Pepper
10oz Purified Water

Recipe - whole day
12 tablespoons organic Lemon Juice
12 tablespoons organic Grade B Maple Syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
60oz Purified Water


The last step each day is to take a herbal laxative tea. One made with Senna will do the trick, and you can buy this from most health food stores. Since there is no fiber in the cleanse, the Senna is needed to stimulate muscle contraction of the colon.

Without the laxative tea, the toxins and waste products forced out by the Master Cleanse will stay in your body, so make sure you drink it each evening before you go to sleep.

Juice Cleansing

A juice fast is great way to nurture your body, rebuild your immune system and restore yourself to a healthy way of living.

Raw fruit and vegetable juice contains many cleansing elements such as minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants to heal and detoxify the body safely.

Little energy is used by your digestive system during the cleanse, allowing the body to focus on rebuilding, renewing and healing. You might be surprised by how much energy you have after the first few days!

Is Juice Cleansing for Everyone?

Since juicing fulfills most of the body's nutrient requirements, your energy levels should remain high enough on this cleanse to continue working.

Ideally a juice fast should be done on a break in countryside or at the beach Getting in touch with nature while cleansing is the ultimate purifying and revitalizing experience. Its certainly possible to fit a juice cleanse around your everyday life too though.

If you can manage it, 3-10 days on this cleanse is enough to detox and heal the body. If you to plan to do longer, it is advisable to get professional supervision.

Juice Cleansing Instructions

You must only use freshly squeezed fruit, veggies and herbs. Try experimenting with combinations of beets, celery, carrots, apples, cucumber, garlic, ginger, cilantro, wheatgrass and cayenne pepper. All are excellent for cleansing.

It’s actually best to use a variety of different ingredients and vary your juices as much as possible - they all contain different important cleansing properties.

If you are juicing at home, you can add the also pulp from the juiced vegetable to make a broth. Just add water to a pot with the pulp and simmer for 15-20 minutes, then season the broth with cayenne pepper.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can buy the juice in your local health supermarket or juice bar.

Stages in a Juice Cleanse

A few days before the cleanse, try to change your diet to as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible. When you restrict your diet to juice only, it will be less of an adjustment.
When you are on the cleanse, drink 32-64 ounces of fresh squeezed juice per day plus 8 glasses of water to flush out toxins from your body. If you feel you need more juice that is ok. If you would like less, you can dilute the juice with water. A few things you must avoid - all other beverages (e.g. sodas, coffee or tea) and obviously no solid foods whatsoever!

Since you won't be consuming any fiber during your juice cleanse, it is important to take something that will stimulate your colon and prevent the toxins from being reabsorbed back into the body. A night time laxative tea is effective to get things moving. Psyllium husk and Bentonite clay are also excellent for drawing out toxins from the body.

Easing off a juice flush is important. It is best to start with raw salads and fruit for a few days, plus maybe some lightly steamed vegetables with brown rice. Don't go straight back on to the junk food!


Here are a couple of ideas to get you started. See more on our juice recipe ideas page.
Kidney cleanser

3 celery stalks
2 tomatoes
1 lemon, peeled
2 carrots
Skin Cleanse

1 Cucumber with skin
1/2 bunch Fresh Parsley
1 4-oz. tub Alfalfa Sprouts
4 Sprigs Fresh Mint
Blood Builder (Iron-enriched)

2 bunches Grapes
6 Oranges
8 Lemons peeled
1/4 cup Honey

Model Detox Diet

Who are the best people to ask for ideas if you want to lose weight and improve your complexion? Fashion models! Models learn to manage their weight in a healthy way, and eat just the right combination of foods that leave their skin looking better and better with each passing year.

Its a very easy plan to follow that can still get fantastic results. Unlike some of the other cleanses on this site, the Model Detox Plan can provide a healthy basis for long term changes to your lifestyle. You don't need to follow it strictly, take the elements you like and add them to your diet!

Foods to Eat

Use organic fruits and vegetables as they have less pollutants and chemicals. Organic food also has a higher nutritional content than non-organic commercialized produce.

Basically your diet should mostly consist of juiced, raw, frozen, or lightly steamed fruits and veggies. Corn should be avoided, white potatoes can be eaten only in moderation. Eating a variation each day will ensure you are getting enough vitamins and keep this diet as interesting as possible.

Foods to Avoid

Here is a brief list of foods to avoid while on this plan. To get the full detoxing effects, stick to the diet and be sure that you don't cheat!

Dairy and animal products
Bread, pasta, grains, cereal
Pickled vegetables or canned fruit
Alcohol and cigarettes
Coffee and tea (except green and herbal)
Meal Plans

Variations of fruit or fruit puree are great for breakfast. They are nutritious, filling and the natural sugars will give you energy to get through the morning.

To make a fruit puree, cut up your fruit and place in a pot on the stove with a small amount of water. Cover and leave it on a low heat until the fruit is soft. Now just throw it in the blender and add a squeeze of fresh lemon to taste. add a little cinnamon.

Blends can contain apples, plums, nectarines, pears and berries, but really anything goes. You can also mix it up a bit by using your blender to achieve different consistencies.

Lunch & Dinner

For your main two meals its important to keep calories low but nutrition high. A vegetable puree soup is the answer. This will give you energy to get through the day and all the nutrients you need.

Cut up your vegetables, add approximately one cup of vegetable stock, and cover on a low heat until the vegetables are soft. Now throw it in the blender and spice it up with a raw clove of garlic or jalapeño pepper. add cilantro and a little olive oil.

experiment with different vegetables for this soup. Great ideas are spinach and broccoli, collard greens, zucchini, onion, carrots and sweet potatoes. Beans also make a great addition. use chickpeas but be sure they are organic.

Desserts & Snacks

This diet can sometimes leave you feeling hungry (it wouldn't be a diet if it didn't!), so its important to have some filling snacks around for when you need a boost.

Fruit smoothies are a great options for dessert or a snack between meals. You need to buy packs of frozen organic fruits from your supermarket. These lock all the goodness into the fruit and are very convenient. frozen bananas taste much better in a smoothie than fresh ones so peel ripe bananas and put them in a ziplock bag in the freezer.

Just add ice and a little water, then blend away! You might like blends of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and banana. Its really up to you to find a few combinations that you love. Be creative!

Freshly squeezed juices are very detoxing and a great way to get some condensed nutrition into your body. Fresh juice is also packed full of enzymes which are fundamental in maintaining good health and preventing disease.

Some ideas for recipes - try playing around with these super-healthy ingredients. Cucumbers, apples, carrot, ginger, garlic, beet and broccoli. See more ideas on our Juice Cleanses page.

Don't forget to drink Green Tea. This is so effective as a diet aid because it increases your metabolism and reduces your appetite. Its great for your health too - it has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine, to cure anything from headaches to depression.

Top 5 Cleanses for Weight Loss

1. Model Detox Diet

Models are serious about dieting, but they're even more serious about keeping their complexions fresh and beautiful.

Developed by real fashion models, this simple plan will help you lose weight and provide all the nutrients your body needs to keep you looking stunning!

The emphasis is on organic fruits and vegetables, small portions and a healthy varied diet. Its a great plan to integrate into your diet over the longer term as well.

2. Juice Cleanse

If the idea of just drinking juice for days sounds hard, don't worry! Its not as difficult as it sounds.

The good news is that this blast of vitamins and minerals, combined with all the extra water you'll drink, will detox your body super-fast. And even better, if you stick to the diet the pounds will drop off too.

You can combine your juice cleanse with colon cleansing too, if you want to give your body a real cleanout.

3. Master Cleanse

This cleanse helped Beyonce lose weight for her role in 'Dreamgirls', but its much more than just a diet plan.

The unique combination of ingredients in the drinks, plus the salt water flush and the herbal teas, clear the toxins out of your system and give your body a fresh start.

The Master Cleanse can get great short-term results, but its a very tough diet to follow for any length of time. If you're looking for a more sustainable diet, try the others on this page.

4. Colon Cleansing

Very few of us realize how much waste product we are carrying around with us in our digestive system.

Do a Spring clean in your body and get rid of these toxins with a colon cleanse. You will feel lighter, full of energy and you'll look great!

A colon cleanse is a great addition to any diet that you do, especially a juice cleanse.

5. Fat Flush

We're not sure if the fat flush can really count as a cleanse, but the creators claim that it has a great detoxing effect on the liver.

Either way, its a good weight loss plan that provides you with all the nutrition you need.

The diet lasts for spproximately 4 weeks before moving on to some longer term lifestyle changes, designed to keep the weight off for good.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Parasite Cleanse

Most of us consider parasites like round worm, tape worm and seat worm to be problems in the Third World. Many people are shocked to hear that not only are they prevalent in developed countries too, but they may be one of the primary causes of diseases ranging from the common cold to even cancer!

Somewhere between 80% and 90% of people have parasites in their system. Dr Hulda Clark suggests that a parasite cleanse will rid your body of these nasty little organisms and leave your immune system free to combat other diseases. The irony is that we regularly deworm our pets, yet we rarely consider that we might have worms ourselves.

Sources of Worms and Parasites

Parasites can often be found in contaminated water supplies, particularly in less developed parts of the world. Don’t drink tap water or water from streams, rivers or lakes.

Unfortunately the popularity of sushi, ceviche, steak tartare and medium rare burgers have sent the rate of worm infestation shooting up. Always make sure your meat and fish are well cooked.

Pets can also give you worms, so be sure to regularly deworm them and don’t share dishes with them! Try to always wash your hands after handling them.

What are the symptoms of Parasite infection?

Many sufferers of parasites do not have any obvious symptoms, but if you tend to have diarrhea or other abdominal issues, burning or itching of the skin, it is possible that you have parasites. Other symptoms include:

IBS, Blood Sugar Fluctuations, Fatigue, Food Cravings, Rectal Itching, Bloating, Diarrhoea, Foul breath, Restlessness at night

So where do these parasites comes from? They can be found in the water you drink, the food you eat (if you don't wash it properly) and you can contract them from your pets or even your spouse! That's why there is such a large incidence of parasites in our population.

Parasite Cleansing Techniques

Parasites can lay thousands of eggs a day, most of which are killed by your immune system. But to kill the ones that are left you need some specific substances and compounds. We list here the major substances that have been found to kill parasites. It is possible to make your own deworming solution, but they are also available online or from your local health shop.

Regular consumption of anti-parasitic foods can also help - try adding raw garlic and onions, pumpkin seeds, apple cider vinegar, kelp and yogurt to your diet.

Black Walnut
Originally a folk herbal remedy, Black Walnut is now commonly used to kill the adults of around 100 different parasites.

Like black walnut, this kills the adult parasites. It can be found in tea, liquid or capsule form.

Cloves actually kill the eggs of the parasite. Its important to use these first three remedies together, to kill both the adult parasites and the eggs at the same time so the colony cannot re-grow.

Pumpkin Seeds
Mashed up and mixed with juice, pumpkin seeds have been found to be effective against parasites.

Whether mashed up, whole or in tablet form, Garlic is a great tool to combat parasite infection.

Once you have eliminated the parasites, its time to remove them from your system with a good colon cleanse. Mix Psyllium husks and Bentonite clay into your cleanse to fully clean out your colon and flush out any remaining organisms.

The last step is to change your diet so that the parasites do not come back. Add more garlic to your diet and reduce your intake of stimulants like coffee and sugar.

Beauty and Cleansing

There are many surprising ways in which cleansing can make you more beautiful. Some you may have heard of, for example weight loss and improved complexion. But there are several other benefits that you may not have heard of.

Stronger Nails & Shinier Hair

Your hair and nails need a steady supply of nutrients to grow and remain strong. But if your bloodstream contains toxins, they can make your hair dull and nails soft. Doing a cleanse makes sure that they get only the right nutrients, and will do them far more good than a host of expensive cosmetic products.

Reduced Body Odor

If you suffer from body odor, it is actually possible to tell which cleanse you need, just by the particular smell of that odor. For example, an oily smell means liver problems, while a rotten odor suggests issues with your kidney. Doing the right cleanse will restore the organ to health and get rid of that odor!

Cured Halitosis & Bad Breath

If you have bad breath, the first thing to check is your oral hygiene. However, some people also suffer from bad breath related to a toxic colon.

Reduced Cellulite

Cellulite affects more than 90% of adult women. There are several causes, but one of the most important is the level of toxins in your system. The first place that your body stores dietary toxins is in the cells just under your skin. Poisoning these cells with junk food and soda can disrupt this layer of cells, causing the cellulite. Cleansing can reverse this process.

Weight Loss

A happy side effect of cleansing, and the healthy low fat diet that precedes and follows a cleanse, is usually weight loss. Juices and raw vegetables are healthy foods and great for your diet, so remember when your cleansing that a healthy system is only one of the great results that you can expect!

Flat Stomach

Have you ever had to put your skinny jeans back in the closet because you feel bloated? Cleansing can help! A healthy, functioning gastro-intestinal system reduces bloating and flattens your stomach, before you even start losing weight.

Glowing Complexion

Princess Diana was one of the first public advocates of Colonics - she used them three times a week to get her glowing complexion. If you're feeling washed out, tired and looking haggard, chances are that a revitalizing cleanse will restore your skin to health.

More Beautiful Eyes

Your eyes are a map of your body - problems elsewhere are reflected by redness and dark rings around the pupil. A good cleanse will restore your internal systems to health, replace any greyness or redness in your eyes with a sparkling white, and perhaps even lighten up the color of your iris!

Apple Cider Vinegar Detox

Apple Cider Vinegar is a naturally detoxifying product that gently removes toxins from the body, purifies your blood and builds your immune system. From being almost unknown a few years ago, it has gained in popularity to the point that it now forms the basis of many diets and detox plans.

ACV is great for your health - it has antibacterial properties to fight germs, and also balances vitamin deficiencies caused by poor nutrition - but it has wonderful cleansing properties too.

Apple Cider Vinegar is full of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and help slow down the aging process. It is also great for breaking down mucus in the body and encouraging the lymphatic system to eliminate wastes.

Other Benefits

Here are a few of the other benefits you can expect from Apple Cider Vinegar. Scroll down the page for more details on how to take it.
  • Increase your energy levels
Apple Cider Vinegar is also excellent to give you a little pep for your exercise regime. Many find increased energy levels and better stamina in the gym.. which means burning more calories of course.
  • Increase your metabolism
Apple Cider Vinegar also has been shown to increase your metabolism. It is thought that this is something to do with its potent combination of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Apple Cider Vinegar is especially high in potassium.
  • Suppress your appetite
Apple Cider Vinegar is a great fat reducing tool. It can be helpful in getting rid of those last few stubborn pounds that a healthy diet and adequate exercise program can’t seem to shift. It suppresses your appetite if you get hungry between meals, and discourages you from attacking that second helping.
  • Reduce bloating
ACV is a powerful diuretic, so it will also ensure you aren’t carrying around any unnecessary water weight. Megan Fox spoke recently about her ACV cleanse, "It's just water and raw apple cider vinegar, and it just cleans out your system entirely. It will get rid of, for women who retain water weight, from your menstrual cycle and all that, it gets rid of it really fast."
  • Stabilize your sugar levels
Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin spikes after eating. These insulin spikes signal the body to store fat, so you're much better off without them! This is one reason why Apple Cider Vinegar has been touted as a natural supplement for Diabetes sufferers.

How do you take Apple Cider Vinegar?

You have three options for taking ACV as part of your detox. Take it before you eat in water or a fruit juice, add it to your meal as a dressing, or take a bath in it!

Before your meal

Try adding 2-3 teaspoons of ACV in a large glass of water or your favorite juice. It works well with tomato juice.

Be sure to dilute Apple Cider Vinegar as it is highly acidic. Don’t drink it straight or you could damage your tooth enamel. Ideally, drink the diluted ACV with a straw to protect your teeth.

If you can’t bear the taste or if it feels uncomfortable to drink alternately you can buy capsules from your local health food store.

During your meal

Apple Cider Vinegar can also be used to dress a whole array of foods. Here are a couple of really easy recipes for dressings.

ACV & Olive Oil Dressing
3 Tbsp ACV
3 Tbsp olive oil
salt, pepper to taste

ACV, Garlic & Canola Oil Dressing
3 Tbsp ACV
3 Tbsp canola oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
Salt, pepper to taste

ACV, Honey & Yogurt Dressing
3 Tbsp. ACV
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
3 Tbsp. organic yogurt
1/4 Tsp. honey
Salt, pepper to taste

Mix ingredients well, ideally in something you can really shake up. Add to salads, grilled veggies, fish and chicken, then enjoy!

In your bath

A hot baths with ACV is also a great detoxification method. It is great for flushing out toxins through your skin, and any excess uric acid from the body. Just add 2-4 cups of ACV to a hot bath, lie back and soak for 20 minutes!

How Does Colon Cleansing Work?

Colon Cleansing uses a combination of herbs natural supplements and lots of liquids, and perhaps some colonic irrigation, to help your body mend its internal organs and restore you to health.

Colonic irrigation (otherwise known as colonics) is an optional part of a colon cleanse, but any serious cleanser will tell you that it greatly increases the effectiveness of the cleanse.

The most important dietary part of a colon cleanse is the Psyllium. When taken with water, Psyllium expands in the bowels, forming a bulky, jelly-like substance. Its rough texture helps it to scrape along the sides of the colon, completely painlessly, and remove the excess waste matter and toxins from your digestive system.

A laxative is often used with Psyllium to aid in the movement of fecal matter from the bowel. However, when Psyllium is in its liquid form many people find it sufficient.

Colon Cleansing Techniques

The first stage in a colon cleanse, and before you even think about Psyllium or Bentonite, is to change your diet - eating fresh organically grown vegetables is a great start and will stop any more toxins from entering your system.

Think about what you eat - fast food is overloaded with additives, beef has added growth hormone, even fish are full of the various chemicals that are pumped into the oceans. So the first stage in your cleanse is to cut out these unnecessary toxins. Don't drink any coffee, alcohol or sodas. As for food, eat small amounts of vegetables and fruit, preferably with high water content.

The second stage involves adding a cleansing supplement to your diet. The two most common are Bentonite and Psyllium, which work best in combination. The Bentonite absorbs the toxins, while the Psyllium pushes them through and out of your system.


Add one or two tablespoons to a glass of water and take with your meal, once or twice daily. Psyllium is a natural fiber that helps the digestive system to work more quickly and effectively. All that old waste matter that is clogging your colon will be pushed right through.


The indigenous cultures have been using Bentonite clay's healing and detox properties since before recorded history. It has been scientifically proven to absorb toxic substances inside the intestine. The recommended dosage is to mix one teaspoon with eight ounces of water. You can also pour 2-3 ounces into your bath water to absorb toxins from the outside.

To get the most from your colon cleanse, combine it with a course of colonic irrigation. This will get you the best results - those who have been doing colonics for years swear by its effect on your complexion, vitality and overall wellbeing.

Conventional Objections to Colon Cleansing

Many physicians and consumers argue that the body cleanses itself naturally; so they question, or outright reject, any suggestions that special colon cleansing protocols are necessary. Some medical experts have gone so far as to actually frighten the patient with suggestions that cleansing the colon is dangerous and completely bizarre. Many physicians have actually argued that if a patient doesn’t have daily elimination, it is acceptable and probably that person’s “norm.”

The nay say professionals are correct in one regard; if we consumed the diets of our ancestors, consisting of plenty of natural, raw foods, the body would have the tools necessary to “brush away” the colonic plaque by means of the fiber consumed. However, since most of our modern-day consumption is devoid of fiber and made up of inadequate, devitalized foods, these substances literally decay and can become an easy 10 to 15 lbs of fecal matter backed up as colonic plaque.

If the colon has the ability to naturally cleanse itself, I’d like to hear the explanations from these same nay Sayers as to why more than $400 million a year is spent on laxatives in the United States alone..... and, if that isn’t staggering enough, more than 70 million Americans suffer from some form of bowel dysfunction, and more than 120,000 of these sufferers become victims of colostomies performed annually in the United States.

Colonics by Kathy

6887 Brockton Ave.,
Riverside, California 92506

Death Begins in the Colon

The colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal, we are well and happy. Let it stagnate and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation, and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that we are weak and listless; poison the lungs so that the breath is foul; poison the digestive organs so we are distressed and bloated; and poison the blood so the skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned, and we age prematurely; look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful, neuritis, full eyes, and a sluggish brain overtake us, and the pleasure of living is gone. This statement was made by Dr. Bernard Jensen, 1974.

The Road to Health is Paved with Good Intestines

I know the intestines are not a subject we, in the modern world, like to discuss. However, please bear with me as I provide you with some “seeds of knowledge” that will not only help to prevent disease, but that are also changing the lives of millions of people and restoring health to those with disorders such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, multiple allergic response syndrome, lupus, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease and yes, even cancer.

The large intestine (also known as the colon) is a hollow tube-like organ of approximately 5 to 5 1/2 feet in length. It is made up of pockets called sacculations, medically known as haustrae. In this tube are trillions of cells associated with the human body, 90 percent of which are bacteria microflora microorganisms living in the large intestine. It is now universally accepted that autointoxication, a condition meaning the body is poisoning itself, is the underlying cause of an alarmingly large percentage of degenerative disorders and complex diseases.

The inner lining of the colon consists of extremely sensitive nerves and glands that provide an important function in the final stages of digestion and assimilation of foods. These same nerves and glands help to eliminate wastes from the system, a sort of human garbage disposal. In addition, the blood eliminates many of its wastes through the colonic walls. Researchers in degenerative diseases and professionals trained in colon hydrotherapy have shown that extra body weight can be attributed to the waste accumulation that lies within the 60,000 miles that make up the blood vessels, lymphatic system, bones, joints and soft and connective tissues. Much of this accumulated waste can take up “housekeeping” in the colonic pockets (sacculations) because of the structural makeup of the colon. Over decades, this “packed-in” waste can accumulate as much as 30 to 50 lbs of fecal waste.

When the body becomes overwhelmed with toxins it can’t handle, it becomes a raging fire on a path of self destruction; this is where colon health computes into the health equation. Colon cleansing can be accomplished by three major methods: colon irrigation through hydrotherapy, exercise, and better diet high in fiber and vegetables aid in the removal and elimination of colonic plaque.

Colonics by Kathy

6887 Brockton Ave.,
Riverside, California 92506
PH: (951) 779-6268

Monday, November 9, 2009

Colon Therapy Chart

The following chart illustrates the importance of how health and sickness have their roots in the colon. It is easy to see how an improper diet affects your colon and, in turn, inflicts pain or discomfort on other parts of the body. The colon outline is that which would appear in the X-ray of a truly healthy colon.

The five pictures below of prolapsed, distorted, twisted, sickly looking colons are exact reproductions of X-ray negatives of the colons of apparently healthy civilized people whose illusions about their physical condition were exploded when they saw this conclusive evidence.

Whenever you look at a colon therapy chart, you are going to notice that there are a lot of different therapy options open to you when it comes to colon therapy. In fact, today we are going to talk about two different ways to do colon therapy. One is a more natural way, and the other is not. When you look at a colon therapy chart, you will notice that they both work, but one does work faster than the other. Really, it is going to be up to you to choose which one is right for you. Not everyone is going to agree with either way that you choose to go. However, one thing that people will agree on is the fact that colon therapy does need to be done. So whether you go with the natural way or with the alternative colon therapy, you need to do it one way or the other!

First of all, the natural way has a lot to do with eating right. Although it sounds like something that we should be doing anyway, most of us do not. However, eating right is one of the best colon therapy options you have open to you. The first thing that you have to do, is avoid fatty foods. These are foods that are going to junk up your colon and make it not work right. From there, you need to eat foods that are high in fiber. They say that everyone is suppose to eat at least 15g of fiber everyday. Most people do not get close to that. Thus, it is very important that you try and eat foods that do have fiber. For example, an apple is a good food to choose. Most apples have about 5g of fiber in them a piece. Right there, that takes up a third of the fiber you are suppose to get for the whole day! You should also try drinking a lot of water. You may not know this, but water is a good way to wash all of the toxins out of your body. Thus, it is a good colon therapy tool to use. Most people do not eat right, and they do not get enough water. Those kinds of people are setting themselves up for a bad colon.

Alternative colon therapy options are harder to come by. However, there are two things that you can choose to do. You can either choose to go with pills or you can do irrigation. If you choose to use the pills, then you are going to want to use natural pills. There are some pills out there that do not have natural ingredients, and it is a good idea to stay away from them. The other way to go is with irrigation. Most people have heard of this before, but for those who have not, we will talk about it. This is where they take a few gallons of warm water, and the pump it into your colon through your anus. Then the water is drained back out by way of a tube, and all of the waste that is built up in it comes out as well.